As a pregnant woman you see ads for childbirth classes everywhere. But what about after the baby is born? What do you need to know to be fully nourished and supportive so you can heal and integrate?
It is just as important to do your research, create a plan, and understand the physiology of the postpartum period, some even argue more important than the birth itself! The transition from pregnancy to postpartum is huge and can greatly effect your transition to parenting.
This is a 5 week course offered every Thursday, 7-9 pm.
CLASS DATES: March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th 2022. The fifth class will be scheduled once everyone has birthed.
“I am stunned this is not common knowledge and I hope one day it will be!
Such an important class for starting such a critical chapter of life.”
- Ixchel P.
This class will lay it all out, why the postpartum period is in many cultures referred to as the sacred window, and how profoundly it impacts your health and wellbeing all the way through menopause! We will go over the four pillars of postpartum care, and help you develop a postpartum care plan so you can manifest the care that is essential to life long vitality.
INNATE's Preparing for the Fourth Trimester Course is for pregnant Mothers and families - to prepare for a nourishing, regenerative postpartum period.
This course focuses on the 5 Essentials of Postpartum Care - which are found throughout the world's postpartum traditions AND are deeply rooted in women's physiologic and psychologic design.
As often the primary care givers after birth, partners are HIGHLY encouraged to come! To get the most out of our course, we request that you show up for every class.
***This class is currently being offered online, and we promise to make it as fun and interactive as possible via the ethers!***